Resources for Women Religious

Supporting spiritual & psychological health
Virtual Workshop

Women's Spiritual Journeys: Navigating Transitions

The women's virtual spirituality group continues in summer 2023 with a series focused on navigating transition. This online workshop includes four interactive 60-minute online sessions of spiritual discussion and faith sharing. Participation is open to women who have been in treatment at SLI.

All sessions take place via Zoom, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm Eastern time. Each includes time for reflection and group sharing. Sessions are confidential and not recorded. Participants will receive session links and workshop materials via email after registration.

Session 1 | July 5
In prayer, we hear God's voice and sense being "called by name"

Session 2 | July 12
The importance of simplicity, a willingness to "let go"

Session 3 | July 19
Discernment: prayer practices for cultivating a discerning heart

Session 4 | July 26
Hope and courage: the strength to move forward


Kathy Brown, D.Min., Saint Luke Institute, Director of Spiritual Care Services


The workshop fee is $200 and includes four interactive sessions and handouts. Current Continuing Care clients are billed through their religious community. There is an online payment option for those who wish to pay separately; enter your SLI account number or your last name under Account Number. There is not an option for a prorated participation fee, as attendees are expected to join all four sessions.

Registration and Questions

Contact Dr. Stephen Carroll, SLI Director of Aftercare Services, [email protected], (301) 422-5438