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Doing the Work: Navigating Individual and Organizational Change


Emily R. Cash, Psy.D., offers tools for growing and developing through change rather than simply surviving it.


Product Description


Organizations are the sum of their individual parts, and changing the system often means difficult transitions for those within it. Our capacity to manage and accompany others through major changes can be bolstered by being intentional about getting the right supports in place. Emily R. Cash, Psy.D., offers tools for growing and developing through change rather than simply surviving it.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss a four-step model for managing organizational change
  2. Identify skills for facilitating sustainable change at the individual and organizational level
  3. Learn ways to predict and prepare for obstacles to change

Reflection Questions

  1. How have I managed major change in the past? What would I do differently?
  2. Based on previous experiences of managing change, what obstacles might I experience? What obstacles do I predict for my community or organization?
  3. What spiritual, emotional and relational strengths can I draw on as I prepare for change?